Small Group Support

About Small Group Support Sessions

In my years of counselling, I’ve noticed a growing need for group support where individuals, couples, and families facing similar challenges can learn together. Becoming a group member involves active participation in activities led by an experienced counsellor, fostering mutual support and empowerment through shared experiences.

As more people seek counselling, there’s a rising interest in joining groups aimed at personal development and reaching life potential. In these settings, members engage with each other, addressing conflicts, challenging beliefs, and providing feedback to influence behavior. The goal is to solidify insights and find a direction forward.


Our small group sessions focus on the here-and-now timeframe and the dimensions of emotion, behavior, and cognition. The aim is to increase self-awareness and determine aspirations for positive life changes. We support individuals through thematic group activities in areas such as:

  1. Expressing and managing emotions
  2. Improving interpersonal relationships and communication skills
  3. Stress management and emotional regulation
  4. Personal growth and development
  5. Facing life challenges together

The small group sessions are conducted by invitation. If you’re interested in being part of our groups, please give us a call to inquire.


Come and discover and build your new strength and identity.  The group will discuss concerns identified by its members including such possible issues as personal challenges, parenthood, sustaining healthy relationships with children, etc.

Topics Covered:

  • Trust and vulnerability
  • Fear and shame
  • Dominance and submissiveness
  • Male-male relationships
  • Male-female relationships
  • I never knew I have a choice

Dates & Time

1st Friday of the month, 7.30pm – 9.30pm


Come and discover and build your new strength and identity.  The group will discuss concerns identified by its members including such possible issues as personal challenges, parenthood, sustaining healthy relationships with children, etc.

Topics Covered:

  • Trust and vulnerability
  • Fear and shame
  • Dominance and submissiveness
  • Female-female relationships
  • Female-male relationships
  • I never knew I had a choice

Date & Time

3rd Friday of the month, 7.30pm – 9.30pm


Come and learn how to be a COOL parent, active and engaging! The group will discuss concerns identified by its members including such possible issues as challenges in parenting and relationships with children/adolescents at home who exhibit a behavioural and/or emotional challenge, etc.

Topics Covered:

  • Managing parenting stress
  • Making hard decisions
  • Values clarifications
  • Assertive parenting to obstinate behaviour in children
  • Dealing with addictions at home (alcohol, gaming, gambling, etc.)
  • Anger management skills
  • Overcoming perfectionism
  • Supportive parenting to children with mental health concerns (topical)

Date & Time

3rd Saturday of even month, 2.00pm – 4.00pm


Come and learn to apply your insights and newly acquired skills to situations in life.

Topics Covered:

  • Assertive self – I never knew I had a choice
  • Attentive listening self – empathy for self and with others
  • Awakening self – capacity to engage in mutually empowering social relationships (female-female relationships and female-male relationships)

Date & Time

3rd Saturday of odd month, 2.00pm – 4.00pm